Monday, January 14, 2008

Homeschooling--How to Avoid the Pitfalls

I wrote an article with the same title as this blog that can be viewed at the following site: In the article I discuss some pitfalls that occur when parents make this decision. I hope that it will help those parents struggling with the decision or who have already involved in homeschooling. I encourage anyone intersted to read the article.
In addition, you can check out the following sites for additional information:

Snowball, the Pomeranian puppy featured on the sidebar, made it to California. He flew clear across the United States to go to his new home. We sure do miss him, but his new owner seems pleased with him. All but one of the other 6 puppies has been sold. Two are going to Iowa. The others are being placed in homes located near ours. It is amazing to me how advertising on places like helps you to find good homes for your puppy. It eliminates a lot of phone calls because the people get to see photos and other details about the puppy and the puppy's parents. If they are still interested at that point, they can email or use a relay service to phone the advertiser. It's quite an interesting process! My son and his girlfriend were so successful at finding homes for their puppies that their boss has asked them to advertise for him. They will receive a percentage of the selling fee. I'm very proud of their hard work!

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